Thursday 8 November 2012

Non - Uni Tomozz!

Ah yes, the big Non-Uniform day. Teachers decide "let's raise some money by letting the children wear their own clothes! They'll love it!". Well the wearing-your-own clothes bit is awesome but the deciding what the hell your going to wear isn't! You want to look cool, not too girlie, desinger but not over-do-it. And then you choose your clothes and think "Ah, at least that's over!"...BUT you've got to pick accsessories so- not-to-blingie but noticable, cool but not look-what-I-got. Then your done...unless you want to wear makeup!

P.S If you think you cant wear makeup then your wrong because make-up isn't part of the uniform. Therfore it is non-uniform!

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