Monday 22 October 2012

The Drama !

                       The Drama 
           ( Charli Thomas and Micaela Donnell )

Today there was this really insane argument at school.....

This morning  I started talking to Micaela and suddenly she burst into tears. I said "what's wrong as you always do...." she answered "well Charli isn't talking to me...." and then I said "well do you know the reason why she isn't talking to you ?" * A puzzled look on her face * No I don't she finally said. "Why don't you go and find out then" I siad. "Ok thanks." * Later on around lunch time * I asked Micaela how thing were going... she said "oh fine thanks we are freinds now" "Cool" I answered. I walked up to Charli and said "so you're freinds now then.... "No I am still really annoyed with her!" Yeah sure freinds........

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