Sunday 6 January 2013

The coolest ginge ever !

Chatty last posted somthing on Ed Sheeran who is probally one of the coolest ginger's I know. I have always really liked Ed and enjoyed his music but over Christmas holliday I bought his album on iTunes and I am totally adicted to his music and him ! ( I don't care if that's wrong ! ) I listen to him all the time now on my iPod ! Honestly in the car, on the train, in the supermarket everywhere and all the time I decided to upload my personal fave song Little Bird. : )


                                                      x Cheeky x

Sorry !

I'm really sorrry guys ! I know I haven't posted anything in absolutely ages ! My computer hasn't been working, but I got a laptop for Christmas and now it's all set up and everything I can use it to blog ! : )
                                      x Cheeky x

Saturday 22 December 2012

Ed Sheeren

Loads of people love Ed Sheeran (including Amber) so I thought I would upload one of my favourite songs by him!


Well guess what the world didn't end. Suprise suprise. I wasn't nervous at all. Apart from in assembly (the apocalypse was meant to happen during assembly) when everyone was sqaushed into lines and a really weird sound came on. I think it was just a boiler but you could see a lot of Year 7s (including me) were whispering and looking around. I have to admit I started panicking. When I panick my heart pounds, I feel dizzy and I can barely speak. I'm very good at panicking. But the Mayans were wrong. Sad thing is, because people thought the world was gonna end, they spent loads of money travelling to the Mayan Temple. Even sadder is, that some people comitted suicide to avoid the end of the world. If the world did end, how would it happen though? Comment and tell us.

Chatty xx

P.S search up Mayan Apocalypse Cartoon on google images. Funny stuff.
P.P.S. If you have kids when your older then show them the film 2012 and tell them you survived it!


God, I'm so sorry I haven't posted anything in AGGEEESSSS. Been busy with Christmassy stuff xxx. So please keep reading because Chatty is back and blogging. Also today is the eve of the eve of Christmas eve! How exciting!

Wednesday 12 December 2012

This is so funny!



We've heard a whisper that some of our posts may have upset some of our friends  - s huge sorry if we have caused ANY offence whatsoever.  We shall be lots more careful in future and will make sure that our posts are general and not at all personal.

We love you really!

Cheeky & Chatty xx